Diwali; The Festival of Lights

Wow. October is here. Where did the last 10 months go? I guess being a mama bear really does make time fly. October is a super fun month for many reasons. In American culture, October is dominated by Halloween. Trick or treat anyone? Here in New Zealand Halloween isn't all that big. I mean we try. But our trying is nothing compared to the scale of Halloween that is seen over in the U.S.A. New Zealand is a pretty relaxed country which is great, but it does mean costume party attire is more common than not met with stubbies (often male shorts that are too short depending on the angle), jandals (flip-flops), and a singlet (vest) as opposed to hippies, wizards, and minions no matter what theme you are going for. Maybe that is why Halloween isn't so big over here. **sigh**

Although costume parties are not at the forefront of October for us Kiwis we are lucky to be such a  multi-cultural society. We have lots going on in the month of October to celebrate cultures from all over the world. One of my favorite events of the year that happens to fall in October this year is Diwali. The festival of lights. 

Diwali is a beautiful cultural celebration that is full of beautiful colors and life. Here are some fun fact extracts from my Diwali booklet that helps kids learn all about the celebration of Diwali.

Fun fact #1 
In India, Diwali is the most commonly celebrated holiday.

Fun fact #2 
Diwali marks the Hindu New Year and it lasts for 5 days.

Fun fact #3 

Both men and woman often wear new clothes for Diwali as a symbol of the New Year.

Loved what you read? To save yourself time this Diwali click HERE to browse my Diwali booklet.